Mythology of Fringe

Fringe is an American science fiction drama television show from 2008 to the present. The show, created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci, is based on the Fringe subdivision of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, responsible for following cases related to fringe science. As the show has progressed, the mythology of the show has been revealed, consisting of a number of recurring elements, locations, and characters, that are used by the show's writers to serialize the show and link earlier episodes with latter ones.[1][2]


Massive Dynamic

Massive Dynamic is a fictional multi-faceted corporation working for the betterment of medical, communications, energy, transportation, and entertainment technology. It was founded by William Bell and is currently managed by Nina Sharp, William's friend and romantic lover from the past. Upon the death of Bell, the company ownership was fully bequeathed to Walter Bishop.[3][4]

Official website:


Cortexiphan is a nootropic drug developed by Walter Bishop and William Bell designed to enhance the mental abilities of the host. Initial exposure to the drug as an adult can be lethal, so trials were performed on children in at least two locations, including a day-care center in Jacksonville, Florida. A young Olivia Dunham was a part of the Jacksonville trials while she was in the care of her mother and abusive stepfather.

The exact response to Cortexiphan varies from child to child. Manifested psionic abilities include telepathy, mind control, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and the ability to cross between universes. Walter's tests, shown in the flashback episode "Subject 13", often required coaxing the child to demonstrate their powers through emotional stimuli; in the case of Olivia, he found it necessary to frighten the girl to bring about her powers.[5]

Several other minor characters have been shown to also have been part of Walter and William's trials. The affected adults find they have weak bonds between each other. Some of their powers do not work on their fellow Cortexiphan patients while other abilities work only on Cortexiphan patients. Three of them reappear during the season two finale to aid Walter and Olivia to cross over to the parallel universe, but all three ultimately die after their crossing.[6]

During the first half of season three, where Olivia has been captured by Walternate in the parallel universe, Walternate and his research lead Brandon to discover the presence of Cortexiphan—to them, an unknown substance—in Olivia's blood and attempt to recreate the drug. They discover that the drug is lethal to adults and Walternate refuses to let Brandon test the drug on children. They ultimately come to use Olivia again, dosing her with a synthetic mix that is able to articulate her abilities and allow her to cross universes again. Olivia later uses this synthetic mix to escape the parallel universe.

The parallel universe

While the show is based in the prime universe, several of the events are driven by the influence of the parallel universe. The existence of the parallel universe was postulated by Walter and William while under the influence of psychedelic drugs, but were able to create a window-like device to observe the universe from their own. They later theorized ways of transporting objects from one universe to the other; one involves the use of frequency harmonics to send objects across at certain times, though through conservation of mass, an object of similar mass would be brought back some time later.

Within Fringe, the prime and parallel worlds are inexorably linked, hypothesized by the characters as the result of a divergent event in the past that formed the two universes. Quantum entanglement of objects between the two universes is significant, having been shown as part of the function of the doomsday device and an electric typewriter used by shapeshifters to communicate with the parallel universe.[7] The parallel universe appears more advanced than the prime one; in the keystone second season episode "Peter", which takes place primarily in 1985, the parallel universe is shown to have cell phones, and zeppelins appear as a common form of transportation.[8][9] In the show's present (2009 and onward), John F. Kennedy is alive as an ambassador to the United Nations, and other figures like John Lennon and Martin Luther King, Jr. are also alive.[10] The United States in the parallel universe only consists of 48 states; while there exists a North and South Texas, other single states appear to take the place of two separate states in the prime universe, such as both North and South Carolina being the single "Carolina" in the parallel universe. Furthermore, much of western California has been lost, suggesting that a large earthquake along the San Andreas Fault has caused much of the coastal region to sink below sea level.[11] Other effects on the global scale have caused sheep to become extinct, and made coffee and avocados valuable rarities. The singularities that plague the parallel universe can lead to destructive voids; to prevent these, the Fringe division there uses a fast-setting amber-like substance to prevent weakened areas from becoming destructive, but with no regard for innocents that may be trapped within it.[8] A mass blight has affected vast areas of plant life, such as the area around Boston.[12] While the September 11 attacks still occurred in the parallel universe, only the White House and The Pentagon were attacked, and the World Trade Center remains standing.[9] Other changes exist in the parallel universe's popular culture; Eric Stoltz stars in Back to the Future,[9] and the musical Dogs has replaced Cats as the longest running Broadway musical.[8][13] The show's producers contacted DC Comics to create a series of parallel universe comic covers, slightly varying the original publications such as from Crisis on Infinite Earths and The Dark Knight Returns, and they were used/shown in the season 2 finale, "Over There".[14][15]


A common theme of the show is "there's more than one of everything", and this comes about in a number of doppelgänger-like characters that are part of the parallel universe.

Some counterparts have already met their demise. Peter is really the Peter of the parallel universe, abducted by Walter to replace his Peter after he succumbed to a childhood illness. William Bell asserted that his parallel universe self was killed in a car accident while a young boy. Colonel Broyles of the parallel universe is killed while giving Olivia time to escape to the prime universe.

The Pattern

The Pattern is a key element from the first season of the show. In trying to track down David Robert Jones, Olivia discovers that a large number of events studied by the Fringe division point to the fictional Reiden Lake in New York. Walter later identifies this epicenter as the weak spot between universes, created by himself in 1985.

When Walter's son Peter died from a genetic disease in the prime universe, Walter had discovered that Walternate has found a cure for his own Peter but was distracted by an Observer at the critical moment. Walter recreated the cure, and used an untested means of crossing over at Reiden Lake, intending to give the cure to Peter and leave. Due to an attempt by Nina Sharp to stop him from using the untested device, Walter lost the cure, and instead brought Peter back to the prime universe to administer a new batch, intending to return the child. Walter reveals that his untested device shattered the fabric of reality between the two universes, and was the source for the Pattern and other smaller epicenters in the prime universe.[2]

The "Great Storm"

The "great storm" is a phrase said by William Bell in communications to both Nina Sharp and Olivia in regards to the conflict between the two universes. The conflict arose directly from Walter's abduction of Peter from the parallel universe. As shown in the events of "Subject 13", Walternate is unable to explain how his son had disappeared despite being the United States Secretary of Defense, and only when young Olivia temporarily enters the parallel universe under emotional stress does he come to realize its existence. From a sketchbook given to him by Olivia, he realizes Peter has been taken over there, and with new resolve, vows to recover his son. This leads to Walternate's creation of the shapeshifters that can cross between the two universes to act as his agents in the prime universe. His actions are further spurred by the damage of Walter's crossing, creating numerous singularities that tear at the parallel universe's fabric of reality.

According to Nina, William had warned her that the "great storm" would cause one of the two universes to be completely destroyed by the other. Such events are shown to come to pass in the future Peter witnesses while using the Machine in "The Day We Died", in which the parallel universe had been fully obliterated by the singularities. To try to stave off this occurrence, Peter uses the Machine to create a bridge between the two universes to allow both sides to work together to avoid this result.


ZFT, an initialism for the German phrase Zerstörung durch Fortschritte der Technologie, roughly translated as "Destruction through Advancement of Technology", is a cult-like group of agents working to open a gateway between the two universes regardless of the cost, and are featured as the primary antagonists in the first season. The cult follows the ZFT manifesto, a document describing how to open a gateway between universes, apparently written by Walter before his period at the medical institution. Though by the show's present, Walter has forgotten much of the science behind this, it is revealed that William Bell purposes cut away pieces of Walter's brain to make him forget how to cross universes.

The cult is led by David Robert Jones (Jared Harris), a former biochemist from Massive Dynamic. Though during the first season, Jones was incarcerated in a German prison, his agents are able to recover a teleportation device created by Walter to extract Jones from prison. The Fringe division discover that Jones and the ZFT are behind many of the events that form the Pattern, and use it to discover Reiden Lake, a weak spot between the universes where Jones is attempting to cross over. Fringe is able to stop ZFT in time, killing Jones when he is trapped part-way through the portal when it is closed.


Shapeshifters are human-machine hybrids created by Walternate in the parallel universe. They were designed to be able to cross between the universes via dangerous unorthodox means. Their blood contains high levels of the element mercury, which is often the only way to distinguish them from true humans. They arrive in a shapeless flesh form until they can extract the features of a human using a special device, hooking one end to the palate of their mouth, and the other to that of their victim's mouth, and take on their form, killing the human in the process. This device is necessary to maintain this form; without it, they can prolong their appearance for a short time by digesting mercury.

Shapeshifters are able to stay as sleeper agents for indefinite periods of time; in one case, a shapeshifter raised a family until he was called into action.[16] Each shapeshifter carries a data disc located at the base of its spinal column to contain encoded information regarding its mission. Shapeshifter agents communicate with the parallel universe using a Selectric 251 typewriter located in secret room in a typewriter repair shop that is quantum entangled with an equivalent typewriter in the parallel universe.

In the fourth season premiere episode, "Neither Here Nor There", a new type of shapeshifter was introduced.[17] Similar to Walternate's versions, they are human-machine hybrids, including a bio-mechanical device similar to the data disc found in Walternate's versions. These shapeshifters require components from the blood of human victims that suffer from heavy metal poisoning to maintain themselves, otherwise exhibiting translucent skin. In "Novation", they are described as being even more human-like than Walternate's versions, making detection of them nearly impossible without invasive surgery to locate the data disc. They also communicate with a yet-known agent through a Hermes 3000 manual typewriter stored in a Boston train station locker.


Due to Walter's crossing, the parallel universe (and the prime universe, to a limited extent), suffers from weaknesses in the fabric of space-time, potentially creating gravitational singularities. “Amber” is a gaseous mixture deployed over an area and which solidifies to seal off these weaknesses. Living creatures are entrapped inside the solid, like "an insect trapped in amber".

The amber is believed to originally have been developed by Walternate. Extensive quantities of amber have been used: notable examples include the entire area around Madison Square Garden ("Over There"), and a large portion of the city of Boston ("Over There", "Entrada"). The use of amber is an emergency protocol, placing the protection of their universe over the lives of innocents trapped within the "quarantine zone" before the amber is released ("Over There"). In the episode "Amber 31422", Walternate reveals that those trapped in the amber are still alive, a fact kept secret from the public to prevent civil unrest. Furthermore in the same episode, the amber is found to be self-healing; cutting into the amber will cause it to reset to retain its structural properties.

In the prime universe, the use of amber was introduced in the first-season episode, "The Ghost Network", where it was used aboard a bus.[18] Massive Dynamic retained a sample of this amber and developed a synthetic equivalent by the time of the third season episode "6B", and aided Walter and the Fringe division to create a release system as a last resort to stop a developing singularity.[19] In the future vision experienced by Peter in "The Day We Died", amber has been used in several areas, including in Central Park.[20]


The Observers are bald-headed, pale men that have only been seen wearing black suits and fedora hats, and possess no eyebrows. They are quiet, tending to mind their own business and interact only minimally with other people.[21] Appearing in every episode, they tend to appear before significant events in history.[22] They use advanced equipment, such as advanced communication devices, advanced compact binoculars, and they employ an alien written alphabet. A distinguishing trait is their diminished sense of taste, often adding large amounts of hot spices to any food they eat in order to taste it. The Observers have named themselves after months of the year: September (Michael Cerveris) appears in every episode, even if only in a cameo shot, while December (Eugene Lipinski) has appeared with less frequency. One episode, "August" dealt with a rogue Observer by that name (Peter Woodward) who sought to try to change the fate of a young woman contrary to the Observers' practice.[23]

The Observers appear to have knowledge of future events, and are able to travel in time and across universes without difficulty. It is suggested that Observers see time and space as a whole and are therefore able to see anyone's future. It is also believed that they are responsible for overseeing important events in their month, meaning September most likely presided over events such as 9/11 in both universes. Since Observers are unaffected by time, they cannot die of natural causes other than extensive injury. This would explain why they have no visible hair, as all their hair follicles had already died due to old age. The episode "The Firefly" involves a series of events temporally engineered by September to force Walter to make a choice regarding Peter's safety as to prepare him for a future event. These events included bringing the son of Walter's favorite musician into the present to draw Walter's attention.[24][22] September is seen in both universes during the episode "Peter", being both the cause for Walternate to miss a critical observation for the cure for Peter's illness in the parallel universe, and to rescue Walter and Peter after they fell through the ice in the prime one.[25] After Peter's disappearance in the third season's finale, "The Day We Died", the Observers remain aware that Peter has vanished, claiming he has been erased from existence.[20]

The Machine

Introduced in "Over There", the Machine is referred to as a doomsday device constructed from numerous components that, in the prime universe, were hidden across the globe, the coordinates encoded in the broadcast of various numbers stations. The First People books claim that the Machine was constructed by the First People, and has the power to destroy or create universes. Machines exist in both universes, and appear to only react to Peter; both universes possess a drawing that show Peter's eyes flaring out while using the Machine. They are connected through quantum entanglement, meaning that certain events that affect one machine will affect the other, such as its activation.

In the alternate universe, Walternate uses his resources as the US Secretary of Defense to actively search for the pieces of the Machine, believing that it can be used to heal the decay that his universe is suffering from. However, he is unable to recover all of its pieces, and thus resorts to sending Fauxlivia over to the prime universe as a spy in order to recover a critical piece of the prime universe machine. Without Peter to power the machine, Walternate is forced to use an alternative source, in the form of blood from Peter and Fauxlivia's infant son, which he uses to successfully activate the machine.

This does not result in the desired effect. The activation of the alternate universe machine causes the prime universe to accelerate its already-beginning decay, while doing nothing to halt the decay of the alternate universe. It also causes the prime universe machine to activate a force-field to protect itself; it violently repels any object, including Peter when he attempts to access it. Sam Weiss later claims that this is because the machine is "frustrated", believing Peter to already be inside it when he was not, and acting to protect him from danger. He also claims that this is causing it to act like a doomsday device, when in fact it is not.

In order to access their version of the Machine, Sam and Olivia later recovered an ancient box which reputedly held the "Crowbar", but actually contained a drawing of Olivia in the same style as the drawing of Peter, revealing that Olivia is the "Crowbar". Her telekinesis is revealed to be able to allow her briefly open the force-field, which she does in order to allow Peter to enter it.

Once Peter enters it, he has a vision of 2026. In this timeline, Peter's use of the Machine caused the destruction of the alternate universe, but did nothing to halt the decay of the prime universe, which is now decaying at much the same rate its double had been fifteen years previously. This vision allows Peter to realize the true nature of the Machine, and he uses it to merge the two rooms holding both Machines into one, creating a bridge between the prime and alternate universes, so that travel can be much more simple between the two, hoping that they can work together to save their prospective worlds. However, this action appears to erase Peter from existence.

First People

The First People are a mythos introduced in the third season episode "6955 kHz". They describe what Walter and other characters on the show believe to be a race of intelligent beings that existed before the mass extinction event, responsible for the construction of the Machine. In the prime universe, an ancestor of Sam Weiss (played by Kevin Corrigan), Samuel Wise I, in the late 1800s discovered the manuscript detailing which gave clues about the First People and the Machine, which he had published in several different languages under pseudonyms that were anagrams of his name, such as "Seamus Wiles". However, Samuel Wise I left out a key element of the manuscript, which gave more details of the machine, and included the location of an object known as the "Crowbar", which could be used to penetrate the machine's defenses once Peter entered it. William Bell had collected the five First People texts and recognized Sam Weiss as the descendant of the author, and requested to Nina Sharp to treat him as a special adviser in these matters.

In "The Day We Died", it is revealed that the First People are nothing more than a future version of Walter, having sent the deconstructed Machine through a wormhole in New York City to the far-distant past. He further left sufficient clues—the coordinates of the Machine locations via the numbers stations, and the drawings of Peter and Olivia—for the Machine and its operation to be discovered in a bootstrap paradox. In "The Day We Died", the future Walter ensures that the Machine is loaded with a vision of their grim future that Peter in the past will experience, allowing Peter to make a different choice.[20][26]

The alternate timeline

In creating the bridge to connect the two universes with the Machine, Peter promptly vanished, with neither Olivia, Walter, nor their dopplegangers aware of Peter's absence. According to the Observers, Peter had erased himself from time and no longer existed; based on their discussion in the fourth season episode "Neither Here Nor There", having died as a child in both universes in this new timeline. In "Alone in the World", Walter describes that he still attempted to cross over to save the other universe's Peter, only to have him drown in Reiden Lake upon their return. Despite this, brief, ghostly images of Peter appear, and the Observers believe they must eradicate any memory of him from the timeline. In "Subject 9", Olivia and Walter's actions cause Peter to reappear, surfacing in Reiden Lake; Peter is the only one that recalls the original timeline, and must work to rebuild the relationships he had in the new timeline.

The alternate timeline has given the producers the ability to revisit past events from earlier episodes,[27] demonstrating how certain events still occurred but without the influence of Peter.[28] The producers, Jeff Pinkner & Joel Wyman, state that Walter crossing to try to save the parallel version of Peter still initiated the war between the universes.[28] "Neither Here Nor There" also show that Olivia is responsible for helping to release Walter from the mental institution, instead of Peter; however, without Peter, Walter has become recluse and refused to leave the laboratory. Other differences in the new timeline include: Olivia running away from the Cortexiphan trials instead of being brought by Peter ("Subject 13"), later shooting and killing her abusive stepfather; Olivia being abducted by the parallel universe instead of crossing over on her own to rescue Peter, instead now to allow Fauxlivia to take her place in the prime universe ("Over There"); Colonel Broyles in the parallel universe is still alive instead of having died while protecting Olivia's escape from the parallel universe ("Entrada"); and Fauxlivia is still living with her boyfriend Frank who had originally left her after discover her pregnant with Peter's child ("Immortality").

The premiere of Fringe's fourth season has centers on the slogan "Where is Peter Bishop?".[29] Fans of the series, prior to the fourth season premiere, paid their own homage to the ad campaign using a number of photographs and videos taken across the world asking the same question.[30] The producers of the show have had to reassure critics and the fans that Peter's actor, Joshua Jackson, was still signed as a main cast member for the fourth season.[28] A humorous teaser video premiered at the 2011 San Diego Comic Convention during the Fringe cast panel showing fake auditions for the open role of Peter, and included cameo appearances by Michael Emerson, Zachary Quinto, Jorge Garcia, and Jeff Probst and concluded with Jackson himself dressed as an Observer.[31]


  1. ^ Tucker, Ken (2011-03-11). "'Fringe': Save this show! A guide (and a plea) for new fans.". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2011-04-05. 
  2. ^ a b Strachan, Alex (2010-10-06). "On the Fringe: Made-in-Vancouver sci-fi hit explores a dual universe". Vancouver Sun. Retrieved 2011-04-06. 
  3. ^ Isler, Ramsey (2008-09-09). "Massive Mysteries: Fringe's Corporate Giant". IGN. Retrieved 2011-04-05. 
  4. ^ Hanson, Andrew (2009-11-13). "'Fringe': Inside Massive Dynamic". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-04-05. 
  5. ^ "Subject 13". Frederick E. O. Toye (director) Jeff Pinkner (writer), J. H. Wyman (writer), Akiva Goldsman (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2011-02-25.
  6. ^ "Over There". Akiva Goldsman (director and writer), Jeff Pinkner (writer), J. H. Wyman (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2010-05-13/20. No. 22/23, season 2.
  7. ^ Hart, Hugh (2011-05-08). "Strange Parallels: 4 Ways Fringe Tops Lost". Wired. Retrieved 2011-05-08. 
  8. ^ a b c Shen, Maxine (2010-10-30). "'Fringe' goes over there". New York Post. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 
  9. ^ a b c Isler, Ramsey (2010-04-07). "Investigating Fringe: The Parallel Universe". IGN. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  10. ^ Truitt, Brian (2010-09-16). "‘Fringe’ producers on alternate universes and a third season: ‘We’re interested in world building’". USA Today. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  11. ^ Lee, Patrick (2010-05-14). "Secrets of the alternate U.S.A. from Fox's Fringe". Blastr. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  12. ^ Murray, Noel (2010-05-20). "Over There, Part 2". A.V. Club.,41392/. Retrieved 2011-04-18. 
  13. ^ Radish, Christina (2010-10-13). "Anna Torv Interview FRINGE". Collider. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  14. ^ Segura, Alex (2010-05-10). "Geoff Johns and Hank Kanalz on last night’s FRINGE alternate universe covers". DC Comics. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  15. ^ "DC Comics 'Fringe' Amazing Alternative Earth Covers". GFEST. Retrieved 2011-03-29. 
  16. ^ "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?". Kenneth Fink (director), David Wilcox (writer), Matthew Pitts (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2010-10-14. No. 4, season 3.
  17. ^ Hanson, Andrew (2011-09-24). "‘Fringe’ recap: In a world without Peter...". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-09-24. 
  18. ^ "The Ghost Network". Frederick E. O. Toye (director), David H. Goodman (writer), J. R. Orci (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2008-09-23. No. 3, season 1.
  19. ^ "6B". Thomas Yatsko (director), Glen Whitman (writer), Robert Chiappetta (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2011-02-18. No. 14, season 3.
  20. ^ a b c "The Day We Died". Joe Chappelle (director), Jeff Pinkner (teleplay and story), J. H. Wyman (teleplay and story), Akiva Goldsman (story). Fringe. Fox. 2011-05-06. No. 22, season 3.
  21. ^ Levin, Gary (2009-11-19). "Michael Cerveris of 'Fringe' relishes role of the Observer". USA Today. Retrieved 2011-08-13. 
  22. ^ a b "Fringe recap: Ep 3.10 "The Firefly"". Open Salon. 2011-01-24. Retrieved 2011-08-13. 
  23. ^ "August". Dennis Smith (director), J. H. Wyman (writer), Jeff Pinkner (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2009-11-19. No. 8, season 2.
  24. ^ "The Firefly". Charles Beeson (director), J.H. Wyman (writer), Jeff Pinkner (writer). Fringe. Fox. 2011-01-21.
  25. ^ "Peter". David Straiton (director), Akiva Goldsman (story), J. H. Wyman (story and teleplay) Jeff Pinkner (story and teleplay) Josh Singer (story and teleplay). Fringe. Fox. 2010-04-01. No. 16, season 2.
  26. ^ Anders, Charlie Jane (2011-08-11). "What to Expect From Fringe Season 4: "The show has a meaning that we haven’t shared yet"". io9. Retrieved 2011-08-11. 
  27. ^ "EMMYS: 'Fringe's Jeff Pinkner & Joel Wyman". 2011-06-23. Retrieved 2011-07-19. 
  28. ^ a b c Mitovich, Matt Webb (2011-05-06). "Fringe Finale Exclusive: WTF Just Happened?! Producers Answer (Some) Burning Questions". TVLine. Retrieved 2011-07-19. 
  29. ^ Carp, Jesse (2011-09-21). "A Final Fringe Promo Asks Where Is Peter Bishop? Plus A Sitdown With Joshua Jackson". Cinema Blend. Retrieved 2011-09-26. 
  30. ^ Hanks, Henry (2011-09-23). "Fans propel 'Fringe' to fourth season". CNN. Retrieved 2011-09-26. 
  31. ^ Keveney, Bill (2011-07-24). "'Fringe's' Jackson makes surprise appearance". USA Today. Retrieved 2011-07-25.